We all need a little help from friends and our community every now and then. This is a list of great resources!

As professional singers, there are demands that are placed on the voice in today’s competitive music industry. We look at the professional voice user as an elite vocal athlete. The mission of LifeLight Massage Therapy PLLC is to provide knowledgable, compassionate therapy for rehabilitation and maintenance to help facilitate optimal vocal function.
Sometimes, we need to look inside our bodies to see what’s happening. Here are some suggestions of reputable ENT’s in the NYC area
Dr. Rosemary Desloge – Dr. Rosemary Desloge
Dr. Linda Dahl – Dr. Linda Dahl
Dr. Michael Pitman – Dr. Michael Pitman
Dr. Lucian Sulica – Dr. Lucian Sulica
Amy Jo Jackson – Amy Jo Jackson
Rachael Swartz – swartzr@uwp.edu / https://rachaelswartz.com Virtual Only
Kimball Studios – Kelly Kimball Studios
Need a cake or some cookies?
Ashley Mortensen- SheBakesYouEat
Financial Counseling
Joseph Glazer- https://josephglaser.com/
These friends have a huge brain for musical theatre songs!
Andre Catrini – http://www.andrecatrini.com/coachinginfo
Kyle Branzel – https://www.kylebranzel.com/coaching
Need Help With a Piano Track? Here are some friends available! Contact me for their contact info.
Devon Yates
Greg Kenna
Andy Roninson
Luke Williams
Nick Wilders
Ben Kiley
Need cuts cleaned up or something transposed?
Rachel James- Rachelnicoljames@gmail.com
Joan Rosenfels – http://www.joanrosenfels.com/Welcome.html
Jen Waldman Studios – https://jenwaldman.com/studio
Dance Molinari- https://dancemolinari.com/
Broadway Dance Center- https://www.broadwaydancecenter.com/
Steps on Broadway- https://www.stepsnyc.com/
Need another set of ears and eyes before you head into the audition room?
Kyle Branzel – kyle@kylebranzel.com
Rachael Swartz – https://rachaelswartz.comVirtual Only
Rick Desloge – rickdesloge.com
Marc Tuminelli- Info@BroadwayWorkshop.com